Midland Sealyham Terrier Club

Established 1923


Championship Show
27th October 2024
Judges Critique - Mr Frank Kane

Midland Sealyham Terrier Club Championship Show
27th October 2024
Frank Kane (Hirontower)
It was a great honour and pleasure to be invited to judge this Championship Club Show for a breed which has a special place in my affection having been involved with the breed since the late 1960’s. A good numerical entry for modern times with 38 entered and few absentees. The depth of quality was greater in the bitch classes and the challenge line was very satisfying – all typy and even, a pleasure to see.
In the dog classes there was an excellent Open class, the top three all worthy of a CC on the day as was the puppy dog who pressed them hard and the limit dog who needs some more maturity. The top awards were very much a family affair with the Best in Show winner Ch Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson justbedging out his son Ch Whooperhill Sandman jWho finished Reserve Best in Show. The Bitch CC Whooperhill Serendipity For Letara came from the Junior class and was closely related. Such beautiful type with great quarters driving her along Reserve CC was the winner of Open Ch Jacott Sunshine.
Best Puppy competition saw two siblings in competition Whooperhill Kings Ranson and Whooperhill The Kings Swan At Leomona both top quality but the dog is going to be very special and he was BPIS.
Best Veteran was the 10 year old bitch Ch Nileda Great Expectations and she made the last cut of 4 in the challenge such was her quality and performance.
It was heartening to see such a quality line up and augurs well for competition next year, showing that the breed might not be numerically strong but that does not mean that the quality is lacking.
A lovely atmosphere, all the class winners were heartily applauded and it provided me with one of the highlights of my judging year. Thank you all, committee, stewards, Chris Guest and Lauren Broome and especially hard-working secretary Denise Bettis.
The Stephen Woodcock Special Triers Dog or Bitch
1 Courtenay-Warren Magembay Muchova of Nunneley 15 months bitch lovely size and type but could have a little more bone. Good proportions and topline. Feminine head. Moved soundly. Well presented in good coat.
2 Khrenov Lord of the Rings of Taita’s Ushabti at Gelodnea 17 months, strong masculine dog of top size with a beautiful head and eye and strong topline and excellent tail. Can firm up in front movement and needs a little more care with trimming.
Minor Puppy Dog 3very promising puppies
1 Salmon Obi-Wan Kenobi of Kindergarten at Seasmolt high quality 6 months, badger marked puppy low set and with excellent topline and good ribbing. Very good quarters and front action. Clean head of good length. I hope he will get a little more bone as he develops but he put in a very confident performance full of confidence.
2 Manle & Lawson Afterglow’s Golden Ticket 7 months I liked his bone and proportions and a clean badger marked head and good length. Not quite the rib or front action of the winner as yet but he has a lot of quality and can finish well.
3 Allison Panthermead Kerplunk at Slifehurst
Puppy Dog
1 Franassovici Whooperhill Kings Ranson 11 months excellent type in head, bone, rib and coat texture and very good on the move holding a firm topline. Strong neck of medium length. I’d prefer him just a touch longer for perfect balance but has great type and I can see him finishing as a cracker.Best Puppy.
2 Salmon Obi-Wan Kenobi of Kindergarten at Seasmolt repeat
3 Allison Panthermead Kerplunk at Slifehurst
Junior Dog
1 Salmon Obi-Wan Kenobi of Kindergarten at Seasmolt repeat
2 Khrenov Lord of the Rings of Taita’s Ushabti at Gelodnea repeat
Novice Dog
1 Salmon Obi-Wan Kenobi of Kindergarten at Seasmolt repeat.
He certainly had a good debut and it was heartening to see his owner’s joy in collecting the trophies
Post Graduate Dog
1 Crang Lushell Gwyn Cariad 3 years needing to lose some weight and receive some more finish to his trimming and presentation. He has a clean, masculine head and good eye, strong bone. He needs more let down to his quarters which shows in his topline. Moved soundly but will look much better with less weight and less coat.
Limit Dog
1 Bettis Ornella King Midas JW 15 months badger marked of good length and ribcage. Clean, long head which would be enhanced by a darker eye. Good outline. Needs time to drop in chest which shows in his front movement but he is young and has time for this. Good quarters and rear drive.
Open Dog
1 Bell Ch Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson at Letara 5 years top size but of excellent proportions and holds himself well on the move. Excellent head and eye. Could be a little cleaner in his front action but scored in quarters and topline to win this class. CC & BOB
2 Oulton & Holderness-Rumsey Ch Whooperhill Sandman 2 years low set dog of lovely type and scored in front action over the winner. Very good masculine, quality head, but very good movement. I’ thought the winner a little cleaner in neck and shoulder RDCC and reserve BIS
3 Evans Ch Nileda Our Mutual Friend
Veteran Dog or Bitch Great class for quality bitches.
1 Evans Ch Nileda Great Expectations ShCM 10 years badger marked and belying her age on the move, driving along from strong quarters. Beautiful head good rib and coat. She is a touch short in body for my interpretation but had the pull in topline and coat to win this.
2 Wonnacott Ch Jacott Joy Bells 14 years remarkable and still sound on the move. I preferred her length of body to the winners but just slacking a little in topline. Lovely head :what a great tribute to owner and breed.
3 Lee Zippor Miss Fairy Footsteps
Minor Puppy Bitch
1 Hayes Panthermead Twister at Penravebay 6 months tan marked puppy of lovely type and temperament, full of confidence on the move. She had lovely proportions, sufficient bone and very good head. Full of promise. Just needs time for coat and chest but I thought her a super prospect...and a great character.I loved her.
Puppy Bitch
1 Matthews Whooperhill The Kings Swan At Leomona 11 months quality bitch presented in lovely coat. Good proportions. Well ribbed with good bone and chest and quarters. Feminine head which could have a little more foreface but like her litter brother, shouldnhaveba good future.
2 Milner Gelodnea Penelope 10 months lovey headed bitch, low to ground in good coat and sound moving. She needs more let down in quarters and a higher tailset but she is typy. Had the pull in coat and body over 3rd
3 Hayes Panthermead Twister at Penravebay
Junior Bitch
1 Bell Whooperhill Serendipity For Letara 15 months bitch of lovely type.She looked a picture in superbly presented crisp coat I liked her proportions, ribbing, topline and front assembly. Uses her quarters well on the move and is good in front. Feminine quality head and good eye. I’d prefer a little more foreface. I thought her balance and proportions just right for the breed and those widen quarters driving her along and in the challenge these qualities took her to the .CC
2 Courtenay-Warren Magembay Muchova of Nunneley repeat
3 Allison Ornella Once Upon A Time At Slifehurst
Special Yearling Bitch
1 Merson Magembay Monnet 15 months feminine quality bitch of excellent proportions with very good topline and tail and quarters. I’d prefer a little more bone. Not yet fully mature in body but has great promise. Good coat texture. I liked her head and attitude.
2 Flower Dionaha Winnie 18 months typy bitch with beautiful long clean head and good bone. She is a touch long for balance. Needs time to fill out in front and quarters. Holds her topline well.
3 Allison Ornella Once Upon A Time At Slifehurst
Post Graduate Bitch
1 Rumney & Dooley Rowanrae Dreamweaver 2 years top sized bitch carrying too much weight which accentuated her size but she is all Sealyham in type and proportions and good on the move.
2 Oulton & Fourie Whooperhill Song 15 months smaller bitch who is a little boxy at the moment and needs time to drop in chest which shows in her front action. I’d prefer a little more all round.
Limit Bitch
1 Moakes Whooperhill Sleepinbeauty of Jomoaka 2 years beautiful type all through low slung and well boned and of correct proportions in neck and body. Very well made. Shown in lovely form. I liked her skull and muzzle length when I saw her on the table and went over her I felt that she would be hard to beat.Sadly she was not happy on the floor and was never really co ordinated on tthe move but undeniable quality and type and had she performed today then results could have been different. I was as disappointed as her .owner .Hope she is soon over this.
2 Curtis Kenaiteen Cascade 5 years not in her best coat. Good proportions. I liked her head and eye. Ears a touch heavy. Front action a touch wide.
Open Bitch
1 Wonnacott Ch Jacott Sunshine 6 years scored in her femininity and firm body and good movement. Feminine head of adequate length. I’d prefer more let down in her quarters which just causes her to run up on occasions. In very good coat. RBCC.
2 Bettis Ch Nunneley Hopscotch Over Ornella JW 3 years full sized bitch who is a great mover. Carrying too much weight after a phantom and this just made her look a little heavy against the winner. I liked her length and proportions.
3 Hampson Saore On A Sunrise HIgh
Frank Kane (Hirontower)